Josh Smith was born in Portland, Oregon and moved to Arizona in 2004. In addition to being a full time real estate professional, Josh also attends W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, where he is a double major in Business Management and Global Politics. Most recently, Josh completed a 6-month political internship working
on behalf of the Arizona Congressman representing District 5. Josh is a people person and as such, he was tasked with answering questions and listening to the concerns of constituents on behalf of the Congressman. He also assisted with veteran events hosted by the Congressman and enjoyed every minute of it. When it comes to customer service, Josh believes that focusing on the quality of service always take a priority over anything else. When Josh learned about how Realty Exchange emphasizes quality of service to their clients, he knew he’d be a great fit since it aligned with what he believes. With his extensive background in customer service, Josh has thrived in the real estate industry because of his passion for helping others.
In his free time, Josh enjoys exploring what Arizona has to offer whether that be hiking around the valley, tubing down the Salt River, or snowboarding during the winter months. Josh also enjoys traveling when he can, often taking trips to California to visit family or visiting friends in Colorado to snowboard.